St Patrick’s Day Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

St. Patrick's Day Rainbow Hunt

We get really pumped about holidays around my house and I always try and do something fun and creative for my kiddo. This year for St Patrick’s Day, we are reading some awesome stories about Leprechauns, building a Leprechaun trap, and making some Lucky Charm Cookies From Kimmy Manzo. To add to our fun, I’ve made a St Patrick’s Day Rainbow Scavenger Hunt to practice our critical thinking skills and continue the Leprechaun theme.

Setting The Stage

It all begins when your kid finds the letter from the Leprechaun. The letter is different depending on which level you choose. The first rainbow is easier and is perfect for pre and emerging readers, so ages 3-6. The second level is for kids a little older because the riddles are a little harder. The Leprechaun explains what the kids need to do and and gives the hint to the first clue.

You will cut out each piece of the rainbow and hide the different color in the locations it tells you on directions. Make sure you put your final prize at the end location that the rainbow spells.

The Search Is On

Once you give your kid the letter, the hunt is on! They run around the house to find all the different colors of the rainbow. Before they can get the final clue, they have to put the rainbow together in the right order. This is the perfect opportunity to throw in some science. Talk with them about ROY G BIV. There are even some super cute songs about the rainbow order on Youtube. For older kids this could be a lesson in ultra violet. They might be a little too excited to hear you though so maybe recover it after your game is over.

The Final Clue

Once they have their rainbow in order, you’ll see that 1 letter in every clue is BOLDED and capitalized. They need to take each of these letters, in order, to spell out the final location of the hidden treasure. Younger kids may need some help here, especially with the reading aspect, but try to encourage them to write the letter by themselves.


Once they find the location, they should be able to discover the treasure relatively easily. Don’t make them try too hard for this part or you might end up with a mess. Once its found, the game is done and you can celebrate together. If you are looking for more fun and unique activities to do with your kids then check out my post of how to make a cool scratch off list. I hope you enjoy your St Patrick’s Day with your littles and may you have all the luck!

Published by caffeineprayers

I like to write about the adventures of parenthood, trying to manage a home, taking care of yourself, and a little sprinkle of teaching.

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