Chore Charts for Kids

Chore Charts For Kids By Age

Free Editable and Printable Chore Charts For Ages 4-15

I’ve tried to instill in my daughter from the very beginning the importance of helping out. One of my morals is that we should always help each other if we are capable. This is something that I want her to carry on. Chores and modeling are my way of teaching this. They are also great teachers of responsibility and independence. I’ve made her a chore chart so that at the end of everyday, she can look at it and be proud of how she helped. I know her joy in helping me won’t last forever but I’m hopeful that she will grow to be grateful of her chore chart lessons.

Ages 4-6

Like I said, I actually started chores a lot earlier that 4 but she didn’t know they had a name. When I was unloading the dryer, she would help me put the clothes into the basket. She had a little play broom and would help me sweep (not very good but still helping). The chore chart came into existence because I made myself a cleaning schedule to help keep things tidying. She would see me look at it each day to know what to clean. She is at that wonderful age where she wants to do everything I do so the chore chart was born.

This age only has 3 daily chores. I’m not saying this is all she does. Cori still makes her bed and she helps me dust furniture. Basically while I clean if there is something she could do then she helps. The 3 things are her have to dos. Non negotiable. This is part of her job as a kid; school work and chores. They are big things so she still has plenty of time to be a kid. It’s more for the idea that it’s her things that she needs to care for.

Ages 7-9

The chores look pretty much the same as before with a few non able exceptions. Instead of helping me do laundry, she is going to be expected to do her laundry. I know this seems like a big thing but under supervision, it’s entirely feasible. There is also a new chore; Help Parents. Now I talked about how she will help me with me tasks on my cleaning check list. It’s nice but voluntary and she can chose to play instead. Once it’s on the chore list, it’s not choice anymore. My schedule has some things BOLDED that she will take over doing for me on those days.

Ages 10-12

You’ll notice that these no longer have the cute icons that the other charts had. Originally I put the pictures there because at 4 they are still learning to read. I left them there for the next level because some kids need the visual to process. While they still may need it some at age 10, most of the work and information they are given will no longer have it. Chore charts are partly for helping our kids adapt to the challenges of future adulting and so I removed the pictures. If you kid still needs them, and there is nothing wrong with that, then these charts are editable and you can add what works. The new chore for this age is to take out the trash. They should have the arm strength to do this now but may need assistance with extra large or heavy bags. Use your best judgement.

Ages 13-15

Aww the teenage years. This is when I suspect that the joy of helping will become fast fleeting. At this point it may require extra incentives but that is up to you and where you stand on the allowance philosophy. Either way, the pattern still holds. Another chore is added, doing the dishes. Prior to this age, they have hopefully helped load the dishwasher so adding in the step of unloading it won’t be the worlds biggest shock. It may require coaching but there are very few reasons why they can’t do it.

It’s A Team Effort

While no one likes chores, they are a necessary evil. Having conversations with your kids about why what they do is important and the value of their work can help with the rebellion. Approach it with a team mindset. Make it clear that you are doing chores with them, it’s not forced labor. If it helps, you can set a timer and everyone does there chores at the same time for 20 minutes a night. Play some music. Make it a competitive game. Just because your cleaning doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Wouldn’t it be wild if you even used it as time to bond? I think it’s all in how you look at it. In the end, the goal is that they learn to help and they grow as responsible individuals that are capable of caring for themselves.

Published by caffeineprayers

I like to write about the adventures of parenthood, trying to manage a home, taking care of yourself, and a little sprinkle of teaching.

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