Kitchen Organization Ideas

I really enjoy cooking. Well technically I prefer baking. The point is that I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. My organization has taken several seasons and changed frequently. My husband claims that he can’t put away the dishes cause I change things around so much. It’s an excuse (I know what you’re up to honey) but he is right about the changes. Luckily I have finally got my kitchen organization down. My system is uncluttered and easy to keep up, which is really important when you have a family.

I promise that I don’t suggest any product that I do not truly believe to be helpful and worth the purchase but I do have the opportunity to make a small amount from Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program, if you use my links.

Pots and Pans

My storage in the kitchen is limited so I only have a couple of descent sized cabinets. Naturally the lowest and largest is for my pots and pans. I manage to fit them all in because I store the lids on the door. It took several tries to get it to hold right but now I don’t know how I lived without it. Stacking pans doesn’t work for my family. I love them but stacking gets loud and messy real quick. I’ve had my eye on some pan organizers like the one linked below. Since I spent my organizing budget this month on my pantry (totally worth it, look here to see it), I made my own by cutting the sides out of some boot boxes. It’s not the prettiest but it works for now.


Dollar tree for the win. When we got married I got 2 sets of silverware and I had no idea what to do with it all. I got these large individual boxes and thankfully they managed to hold it all. I bought one a little smaller and it lays sideways to hold the pretty serving ware that I literally never use.

All The Other Utensils

The first couple of years I just threw everything into this slim drawer. After poking myself on one too many items, I decided to do something about it. Walmart had this think plastic organizers as part of a 5 piece set and they fit perfectly. They hold my kitchen scissors (yes I have a lot but they always go missing) and straws. The other holds my peelers, scoops, and what nots so nothing slides around. I have just enough room left for my can opener and apple slicer.

Containers, Coffee, and Spices

This is the cabinet I’m honestly the least happiest with. It’s solely due to the fact I want all the spices in matching jars but as I mentioned before, it’s on next months organizing budget. For now they live in the largest part of the 5 piece organizer set I got from Walmart. My packets of various seasonings make their home in the smallest one right next to it. The self just above them homes my teas in 2 small containers and my coffee in a labeled container from Dollar Tree.

The most critical component is my tubber ware that stacks together at the top. I can’t stand it when lids and bowls fall all over the place so this set is amazing. It’s sturdy too because it was actually handed down from my parents so yea it lasts FOREVER. Command hooks hold up 2 of the cheap baskets you can get from just about anywhere for $1 per set. The top holds small plastic takeaway containers that I use for salad dressing while the next hold our dogs medicine. Lastly, a clip displays my weekly meal plans.

Under the Sink

Under the sink is probably what I’m most proud of. I use a little caddy I got from the Target dollar spot to keep my kitchen cleaning must haves organized. On kitchen day, I pull it out and clean up without have to track down all the different cleaners. My plastic bags stay organized in the same type of dollar store container I use for my coffee. It’s clear so I know when I need more or when it’s full. Our lunchboxes stay here too.

Storage Bags

My foil, parchment, and the like are stored in a simple cheap magazine file. I can see them all but they don’t fall out or all over the place and stay easily accessible. Speaking of, the other magazine holder stores my gallon size ziplock bags. I never run out since I started keeping them in this because I can always see when I’m getting low to order more. My other ziplocks are stored on the cabinet door in labeled pencil bags. I hung them up with command hooks. There is a slit in the plastic so I can easily pull them as I need them. Because it’s clear too I can see when I get low much easier than keeping them in the box. You can get them at Walmart or Target in the school supplies section.

There’s More For Later

Clearly this isn’t the entirety of my kitchen organization projects. I haven’t shown you bake ware, my cup collection, or all prep tools. They will come in a later post so stayed tuned and subscribe to stay updated as I add more. Everyone likes a good cliff hanger right? 😉 For now, I hope that these kitchen organization ideas have helped you find some solutions for your home.

Published by caffeineprayers

I like to write about the adventures of parenthood, trying to manage a home, taking care of yourself, and a little sprinkle of teaching.

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